
capture pieces of my mind that once were.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Earlier, I finally admitted to my mother, under terrible circumstances, that I was indeed atheist, or whatever it needs to be called.  I actually just told her I didn't believe in her god.  Of course it got out of hand, but that was mostly my fault.  I'm just tired of the same fucking routine each and every day of living in a house that I don't believe in.  I try so hard to keep cool when I hear dumbfucks talk, but I couldn't do it today, I blew.  I hate my existence truthfully, I hate this bubble I live in.  I'm growing to hate people in general, as most are worthless.  All of this tells me that I need to move and find another way to live that will bring out the best in me.  But guess what? I have no fucking car, no fucking job, still in school, fucking stuck!
Unless I run.

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