
capture pieces of my mind that once were.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I've noticed here lately that I don't get much accomplished.  It's good that I recognize this, but simply recognizing isn't enough.  I need to act now and do instead of wait.  I have noticed a lot in my life that I tend to wait until tomorrow to accomplish what I want to accomplish now.  The things I do and am interested in are something I am driven to accomplish, but sometimes the learning curve is too steep so I put it off another day in hopes that maybe tomorrow my mind will comprehend what I am trying to do.  I am always planning it not even planning, more like thinking and daydreaming.  Those things are good and great to draw from for inspiration, but when I am wasting those dreams each day, I am soon going to find myself with a floor full of pennies from wasted days instead of a pocket full of embraced penny days.

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