
capture pieces of my mind that once were.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Been studying for the past few days in supercollider, hard things in there I must say.  Steep learning curves are always something I have trouble with, but the more confident I am in getting over them, the faster I learn it.  Besides learning new computer languages I have been studying business models to support the music I have been making.  I have been thinking about getting a normal 9-5 job.  I don't know yet because I am afraid if I do that, then my drive will be a drive for money and not a pursuit of art.  I don't want to get too comfortable with making money for a corporation so a corporation can turn around and pay me the shit earnings I deserve more of.  I am an artist of sorts, not a person who kisses ass for men with little taste.  I understand credit and all of that shit, but there is another way for me to do what I love and do it legally.  I know the business model for that, it's just working hard at it to get those earnings so I can support my pursuit of art while making the art.

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