
capture pieces of my mind that once were.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Talked with my mom a minute ago about a certain person in a leadership position that people often complain about.  While I was discussing with her my experiences with this person and what I thought about it, I stopped my gossip and thought to myself, you know if this person had a job position that fit their personality, people would be telling him how good of a job he is doing, not how much he is lacking in his people skills.  Too often people find themselves guided by something that truly isn't there.  As a result, they end up somewhere, where they think they should be, but everyone else knows that he shouldn't.  Finding the things we are good at is important, but doing what we love is even better.  In this mans case, he loves doing what he is doing, I think, but isn't totally great at it in one area.  We shouldn't necessarily judge him by that because there are plenty of things we do that fit our personality, but others parts don't and as a result we lack in a particular area.  The answer is of course to work on those skills and take criticism with an open mind to do better at the job we love doing.

Reminds me of a quote a friend on facebook put on her profile the other day.

"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein

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