
capture pieces of my mind that once were.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I've always been a pretty relaxed guy, not letting a whole lot bother me, but for the past few years, or year rather, everything has bothered me to the highest degree.  I know why this is so, but that doesn't help ease my angst towards certain groups of people and certain ideas.  I don't necessarily know if I'm being held back by this or being pushed forward by this angst.  Since having this angst, I feel encouraged to fix certain problems this country in particular has.  I feel like I could be a teacher, of the not-so-conventional kind, obviously.  On the other hand, I feel like trying to fix a problem like what this country has, is, in a way, a lost cause and would be like a bug smacking into a windshield, only to be wiped off.  I am not the smartest guy in the world and I know that, I have a lot to learn, still, but I also have a lot to teach that I have been taught, or rather taught myself, through finding information out on my own and developing myself without someone else developing it for me.  A mind cannot be manufactured in a school, a mind should not be manufactured.  A mind should be free to think freely.  Of course with free thought, comes heavy criticism, but that's the price you pay for anything done that isn't manufactured by something "popular".  Popular doesn't mean right and keep that in mind if you are reading this.  Mcdonalds is popular.  Get my point.

Monday, February 6, 2012

I took the machine
gripped the machine beneath the fists
I picked the machine up
slammed the machine down
down into the ground the machine lie
splattered in its own mechanical parts

the shiny parts disrupted from it's pieced together
human together-pieced shiny craft it once was
was once only once upon a time
a time that stopped the machine
was crafted by me
my destruction
only a split second between order and chaos
for the shiny machine had been destroyed
by my chaos.